Sectional Titles Schemes

We offer the following services

Advising and consulting to bodies corporate, trustees, owners and managing agents on all aspects of the Sectional Titles Act (STA), the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act (STMSA) and other legislation pertaining to sectional title schemes and legal issues generally pertaining to such schemes.

Assisting bodies corporate, trustees and managing agents with the drafting of documentation pertaining to sectional title schemes including notices, resolutions, agendas for general meetings etc.

Drafting and assisting bodies corporate and trustees with the drafting of amended rules (management and conduct rules), advising on the amendment of such rules, submitting the amendments to the Community Schemes Ombuds Service (the CSOS) for approval and dealing with the CSOS in respect of any issues relating to the approval of the amended rules.

Attending annual general meetings, special general meetings and trustees meetings to advise trustees and owners on issues that are on the agenda, the conducting of the meeting and any other issues that may arise at the meetings.

Assisting with dispute resolution between owners, owners and the body corporate and owners and trustees including advising on procedures, facilitating the submission of disputes to the CSOS and assisting with arbitration and mediation.

Preparation and attendance at pre-arbitration meetings, arbitration hearings and settlement negotiations.

Providing written opinions on legal issues pertaining to sectional title property and schemes.

Advising on financial management including administrative and reserve funds, administrative levies and the raising of special levies, insuring of the scheme, the requirements for and the implementation of 10-year maintenance, repair and replacement plans, advising on the physical management of schemes including creating and dealing with exclusive use areas, dealing with common property, extensions of sections and maintenance of schemes.